Netflix announced the streamer’s forthcoming “One Piece” series with the show’s first official poster. Hello Nakamas! Netflix announced Monday that its live-action adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s popular manga series will be released worldwide later this year. The streaming giant also...
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One Piece Film Red is nominated for Best Film AND Best Anime Song (""New Genesis"" by Ado) at The Anime Awards! If you loved them as we did let's make them No.1!!!! You can show your support by voting daily...
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The power of Anime! One Piece was the world's most - watched TV show in 2022 & Luffy as top 3 character! One Piece beats Stranger Things, The Office to become most watched TV show of 2022. Social television network and...
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"2023 will be the best year for the series" Henry Thurlow, who is a part of the One Piece anime staff at Toei Animation, thinks that 2023 will be the best year for the One Piece anime in its 25-year...
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One Piece will NOT end anytime soon! "Hello everyone who attended Jump Festa and everyone watching the show at home, this is Eiichiro Oda, the world’s greatest diva, or something like that. This year, the Wano arc came to an...
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