“The Battle of the Monsters! The Three Stubborn Captains!!” With the way events are shaking out, we definitely have a good group that has come around Luffy at this point as we see him with Zoro, Law, and a few...
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“Marco’s Tears! The Bond of the Whitebeard Pirates!” The show doesn’t seem to be significantly different from what we had before overall, though I’m sure there will be plenty of quibbling over animation quality depending on one’s perceptions of the...
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“Yamato’s Past! The Man Who Came for an Emperor of the Sea!” What we get here is a brief bit of time that allows for this sidestory to be told as Yamato and Momonosuke are together and Yamato is able...
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“A Turnaround Move! The Flames of Marco the Phoenix!” A lot of the first half is the familiar way things have worked for a bit where we still get a good bit of varied fighting going on but now with...
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“It’s Not Okay! The Spider lures Sanji!” A good bit of the focus with this episode early on is with Sanji as he’s been asked to handle things at the level they’re at so the others can move forward a...
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