“The End of the Battle! Oden vs. Kaido!” With Kaido now on the mainland and causing a whole lot of destruction between himself and the vast army that he has, Oden and his team are doing their best to push...
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“Raid! Oden and the Akazaya Nine!” This episode gives us a bit more of a look at how Oden is handling life at this point, continuing to do his performance in the Flower Capital no matter the weather as people...
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“Sad News! The Opening of the Great Pirate Era!” With the start of this episode, we basically get enraged Oden as he, upon returning to Wano, has learned what’s been going on here. And his anger is focused entirely on...
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“To the Land of Wano! The Roger Pirates Disband!” The return of Roger with the others, bringing them back into contact with others that have been ashore for a while, provides for a good reunion. Again, Shanks and Buggy hit...
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“The King of the Pirates is Born! Arriving at the Last Island!” In today's episode Roger and his crew found themselves back in Wano as they’re going after the next Ponegliff that they need after the recent discoveries. This isn’t a wonderful...
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