“Brutal Ammunition! The Plague Rounds Aim at Luffy!” With a decent mini-recap of recent events and the fight, and Big Mom coming to the realization of said recent events as well, everything takes a pause with Queen able to take...
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“Stop the Emperor of the Sea! Queen’s Secret Plan!” Today's One Piece episode includes a decent flashback sequence to something he had learned some time ago with Rayleigh that’s being made relevant again, But what ends up occupying a decent...
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“A Grudge Over Red-bean Soup! Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation!” In today's One Piece episode we do get something of a decent fight sequence at the start between Big Mom and the jailer here that’s enjoyable to watch since he’s...
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“The Storm Has Come! A Raging Big Mom!” So much of One Piece lately has reminded me of some of the much older arcs where it was hard to really get into the expansive world and its rich backstory. I...
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“Luffy’s Determination! Win Through the Sumo Inferno!” The first half of this episode just moves through its usual array of material where it’s flashy and active but without much substance. I’ll admit to being pleased to see Brook pull out...
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